Effuryone has been asking about Vashtie
and all owr uther foster kitties.
So... I thot I'd share sum noo pikturs of them

This is Vashtie in her tent, in the cage where she stays whil meowmy is at werk

On pretty days, meowmy takes her cage owtside so she can enjoy the sunshine.
Something startled Vashtie when meowmy was petting her lass week - and she scratched meowmy on her hans and arms - but meowmy didn't get mad. It took her all nite to catch Vashtie in the basement, so meowmy got her a pretty pink harness, so she kood handle her easier, wifout scaring her so much. She unnerstands that Vashtie needs a lot of luf and unnerstanding, to get over having been abused.

Regale is gaining wate and her fur is lookin better

She likes her sleepy kube and all the good fud meowmy gives her
She duzzent like owtside as much as Vashtie, (we fink maybe she wuz in an owtside place where she got fleas and wuz so hungry) So meowmy jus leaves the garage door open, so she can get sunshine and fresh air, while Vashtie suns herself.

Snowdrop gave up her big "safe" cage, so Vashtie could have the biggest one
She and Louie have been makin friends better, since she is out wif him, all the time.

Louie LUFS to play, and meowmy uses shorter toys, so he will get closer to her in playtime.
Meowmy PETS and PLAYS with Vashtie, Regale, Louie and Snowdrop EFFURY NITE.
I getz a little jelus - sumtimes -- but meowmy makes sur she gives me and all the Fancidots gang lots of luvvies, treets and playtime before she goes sleepy-bye.
And we get to sleep wif her - so then I'm not so jelus.
It will be nice when Snowdrop gets to go home with her mom, when she gits well.
It will be nice when Louie makes friends with more of us, so he can come out and play wif effurbody.
It will be nice when Vashtie and Regale are ready to go to new homes - but meowmy will have to screen their noo parents furry carefully - so they won't haf to be skeered all over again.
Meowmy is furry tired at nite after all her bean chores, and I miss getting to BLOG wif all my cat bloggin friends - but we all kno not effurbody has meowmys and daddies as good as me and all owr cat bloggin friends, so we are tryin to be furry patient.
Fanks to effuryone who has said such nice things about my meowmy...
I luf her furry much - and will be glad when she has more time to spend wif me, again.
As a matter of fak -- I fink I will go curl up wif her, rite now!