Friday, September 7, 2007

Snowdrop is furry EXCITED !

Meomy went to Snowdrop's room, to tell her she is gonna git to go HOME.
Snowdrop looked back and sed "Well it's bout time!"

Then she started takin a BATH

Kaus she wants to be extra speshul pretty for her mom.


Donny and Marie and Casey said...

I bet she is so very happy, Snowdrop is! We are glad that Snowdrop's mommy can take her back now.


The Meezers or Billy said...

wooo hoooo!!!

Honey P. Sunshine said...

good fur yew snowdrop

Daisy said...

Hooray for Snowdrop!!! This is exciting and wonderful news.

Lux said...

Snowdrop is so sweet - she's already extra special pretty!

Anonymous said...

That's great news :)

Starbuck and Torrey said...

Nice to meet you, Mister Zenith! It's great to find another bengal cat blog out there! You are beautiful!

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

Yay Snowdrop.

Good luck and Godspeed. I don't know what Godspeed means but people say it when someone is going somewhere.

Lux said...

Checking in with you, Mr. Zenith!!!

Christine and FAZ said...

This is very good news Mr Zenith. I am very pleased for Snowdrop. FAZ