We think meowmy has lost her mind
Hi all my cat blogging pals!
I've been havin a serreus diskussion with the Fancidots Gang
Our meowmy is deep in the Bengal Rescue business these daze.
And owr grandma bean is having some clarity issuz - so meowmy has to help take kare of bankin stuff, whateffur that is -
So I hardly efur get to blog these daze.
NOW to top it all off -- there is two MORE cats coming to stay wif us!
Not kountin Snowdrop, who has one of our rooms all to herself cause she's got allergize
One is annuther F1 Male - jus a littel bit older than me - she sez he liks to swim too
(maybe we can be play pals???)
The othur is a F2 Female - jus bout my age, but she hassnt been fixed
(I don't kno what's brok - meowmy jus grinz)
Meowmy sez when they git here, she will tak som piktsurs for me to shar wif effurbody.
I'm not sur I want mor roomeez
But meowmy sez we haf to sav them.
Pleeze don't furget yur little pal Zenith
I miss bloggin wif effurbody
And I'm poutin cauz meowmy is toooooooo bizzy to play wif me az much!
Oh, Mr. Zenith, I will never forget about you. I will keep checking every day. I can't wait to see pictures of the two new cats!
Let us know how it goes with these two new cats, Mr. Zenith!
Yer such a cul cat and yoo wont get forgottun by all of us!
Hay, If yoo don't like yer two noo friends yoo can always come ovur here and hang owt with yer two othur friends (ummmm, that wuld be us!!!)
Bless your little heart. We're sorry to hear that your mom is so busy rescuing even more cats. Our Maw had to quit that. She got in over her sq. ft. load limit.
We'll keep checkin back with you!
Luf, Us
From two Bengals to five. It looks like you have an exciting home. Mr. Zenith, Emma, Dagger, Lightnin and Victoria, wow what energy your "BEANS" must have. >;-) Of course you guys probably keep each other pretty well entertained and hey you have a wheel to run on also. Have fun. Lavs, Les, Tanj & Usch.
deer mr. zenith,
i am hansum ... but not like a fancydot. dat'z a verree hansum cat, i mus say!
i told u abowt mi mom'z cuzzin hoo wuz gettin sum noo fancydot catz ... one iz dere an da udder will be arrivin soon. i wish i could meet 'em ... but dey live in florida an i'm heer in noo york. it would be a long walk fer me.
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