Saturday, December 30, 2006

When I was just a BABY

These are the photos our meowmy got of me when I was a teenie baby.
WHO could resist THIS Face?
I was just so darn cute, our meowmy fell "IN LOVE" with me and made arrangements with the nice lady who took care of me, from birth. Then she flew to Portland, and I got to get out of my carrier in the airport. Everyone thought I was "ADORABLE!
All the hustle and bustle of the airport gates didn't prevent me from taking a nap on meowmy's chest. They "SAY" that Early Generation Bengals are hard to handle.
Do I look like I'm very hard to handle, here?


The Lee County Clowder said...

Such a sweetie. I bet you get away with murder. :)

I know nothing much at all about Bengal kitties, so I've gotta ask: What does that 'Early Generation' mean?

Anonymous said...

Early Generation means that we are very CLOSE in direct genetics to the Asian Leopard Cat.
My daddy is an Asian Leopard Cat, and my mom is an SBT Bengal (Stud Book Tradition - which means at least 5 generations away from the Asian Leopard Cat.)
That makes me an F1 (first generation) hybrid.

But I don't ACT wild - I just LOOK wild >^..^<